Friday, February 15, 2008

wolves weekend

Okay, I have to say when I discovered this picture, I just about peed my pants. I mean come on look at the amazing detail!!!! It is so amazing. I will show you guys more pictures of wolves when I find them. Oh and declaring, this weekend is going to be centered all on wolves and mystical creatures. It is part of the celebration for the upcoming Maximum Ride: the final warning. So bare with me here okay?


Mella said...

Wouldn't it be cool if one of the flock turned into a wolf?


Ok Max thought she was turning into an eraser.

But it would be such a good random thing in the plot.

Chee said...

that picture does look really mystical...
I wonder who drew that??

and it would be cool if one of the flock did turn into a wolf.

didn't this guy in harry potter turn into a wolf? i've forgotten who it was already lol