Tuesday, February 5, 2008


The weirdest (and scariest) dream ive guess ive ever had was i was in my house. My mom told me to go down the streeet because something was coming. I went to my ex-boyfriends house and knocked on the door. No-one was home so i went to a strangers house. She let me inside, but when i looked out the window i saw this man that was smilling. He had a white face and he twisted his head all the way around. He had rageddy hair. It was sooo scary!!! He broke into the house and that was when i woke up. Sometimes i have reality dreams were i like kiss the most popularist boy in school. But i actually enjoy those dreams sometimes.LOL. Well, talk to me soon. Oh and Jake, thanks for the dream, that is really weird. Whenever i have a really weird dream, i usually write it down.

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