Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Hey everyone. I really dont like how they "reinvented" the Maximum Ride website. Its so plane now. Has anyone seen it? Oh my gosh, this calls for a spring break dance!!! Oh ya I get to sleep in oh ya oh ya!! Sorry, Im over myself...for now. I has a new boyfriend. I met him through my X boyfriend. His name is Cody South.
Hes really funny and all, but the bad thing is I havnt met him in person yet, so it kinda leaves me wondering.
But he does have the hottest laugh in history. Its not all girly like some guys laughs, but like, really manly. I love it.


Avion said...

hey sorry been away. any way theres been a delay here. (go to my blog to find out why and details) but any way i think maximumride is pulling the harry potter. haryy potter was suposed to be 3 books until they heard they r turinging into movies. so since theres going to be maximumride movies, they might pull the harry potter. not trying to get hopes up but thats wat i heard

Mella said...

Yeah. The new layout isn't as nice.

Fumiko Dream! said...

Hey Jordon! I've missed you...a lots been going on so I haven't gotten on lately. I just wanted to comment to tell you I was a live. I'm also having a contest for the name of my new horse...if you have any suggestions just read my latest post and comment with names! Thank you very much. I hope you have good luck with your BF I got a BF this summer and hope it will last. I bet you will never guess who :-) well ttyl

Mella said...

Are you still using this blog?

Long time no talk...write. =D